Summary: Simba begins life as an honored prince, son of the powerful King Mufasa. The cub's happy childhood turns tragic when his evil uncle Scar murders Mufasa and drives Simba away from the kingdom. In exile, the young lion befriends the comically bumbling pair of Pumbaa the warthog and Timon the meerkat and lives a carefree jungle life. As he approaches adulthood, however, he is visited by the spirit...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Walt Disney Home Entertainment 2003
Copies Available at Kalkaska
1 available in DVD, Call number: DVD J LION 1Summary: On the brink of losing her childhood home, Maddie discovers an intriguing job listing: wealthy helicopter parents looking for someone to "date" their introverted nineteen-year-old son, Percy, before he leaves for college. To her surprise, Maddie soon discovers the awkward Percy is no sure thing.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2023