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Bears Juvenile literature Bilingual materials Board books Chicago Bears (Football team) History Juvenile literature Contar (Enumerar) Literatura juvenil Counting Counting Juvenile literature English language books Bilingual Spanish Libros de cartón Spanish language books Bilingual EnglishFilter By Subjects
Bears Juvenile literature Bilingual materials Board books Chicago Bears (Football team) History Juvenile literature Contar (Enumerar) Literatura juvenil Counting Counting Juvenile literature English language books Bilingual Spanish Libros de cartón Spanish language books Bilingual EnglishMalpass, Suzanne M.
Summary: Black bears roam freely throughout the wooded areas of northern Michigan. Their numbers have increased greatly in recent years. This book tells of encounters between bears and bees, a bear and a deer, as well as between bears and humans.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Mascot Books 2020
Copies Available at Kalkaska Main Branch
1 available in Juvenile Easy Collection, Call number: JE MALPASSBackhouse, Frances
Summary: "They once roamed across half the continent, but today the grizzly population has declined at an alarming rate and it is incredibly difficult to rebuild those numbers, especially in places with a lot of people. Yet grizzlies are key members of their ecological communities and a powerful symbol of wilderness. Filled with facts and richly illustrated with photos, Grizzly Bears: Guardians of the...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Orca Book Publishers 2023
Copies Available at Kalkaska Main Branch
1 available in Juvenile Collection, Call number: J 599.784 BACKHOUSESpirin, Gennadiæi.
Summary: A simplified retelling of the adventures of a little girl walking in the woods who finds the house of the three bears and helps herself to their belongings. Includes a note on the history of the tale.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Marshall Cavendish 2009
Copies Available at Kalkaska Main Branch
1 available in Juvenile Collection, Call number: J 398.2 GOLDILOCKSDufresne, Emilie.
Summary: "The animals that call the Arctic home are animals who love the cold. They're made for it! As Earth's temperatures rise and global warming worsens, Arctic animals will have fewer places to call home. Inside this colorful and important volume, readers will see numerous threatened Arctic animals and learn why they are suffering. The book includes general information about what it means to be on...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: PowerKiDS Press 2022
Copies Available at Kalkaska Main Branch
1 available in Juvenile Readers, Call number: READER 590.911 DUFRESNEStead, Philip Christian
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Anderson Press 2012
Copies Available at Kalkaska Main Branch
1 available in Juvenile Easy Collection, Call number: JE STEADCastle, George.
Summary: Traces the history of the team from its beginnings through 2009.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Abdo Pub. Co. 2011
Copies Available at Kalkaska Main Branch
1 available in Juvenile Collection, Call number: J 796.332 CASTLERodríguez, Patty
Summary: "Inspired by one of Mexico's most iconic painters, this book will introduce your little ones to their first English and Spanish numbers and words"--Page 4 of cover.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: 2014